Friday, 3 August 2012

Tom completed most of the task yesterday, in fact no one finished in 18m class as the last turn was in the softest conditions in the area and generally a lot slower than previously. A gaggle including Tom turned back at approx the same location, filling the top places in the class. A difficult blue day, only 5000 above ground with a few long glides. Tom had a low spot of approx 800ft, but found a 6 knot climb!!!
Our pilots are feeling good. They have all had good flights with some great speeds, they really understand the conditions and terrain and feel well prepared for the comp first day on Sunday.
Alex Wallis is doing a lot of work trying to solve issues with the new Flarms, and the aispace files for the Clear Nav instruments. He is constantly on the phone with the manufacturers tslking configuarations and settings and other words that I just don't recognise.
Still hot today but conditions a lot weaker as the High is centred over the top of us. Only Brad and Bruce flying today, others have gone "Tubing" or just generally hanging around. Heading for the grid for first launch at 1:50pm. Terry

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